Back to School Safety Checklist

There is no doubt that 2020 was a year of uncertainty for many school-aged children and their parents.  Many parents opted to have their children attend school virtually from home so there will be a lot of children headed back to in-person class in August who have not been to school for any length of time since March 2020.

August is Back to School Safety Month observed by the National Safety Council (NSC). This event is meant to spread education and awareness of how to best keep our young students safe during the school year. The back to school safety checklist are key issues to address with your child before they head back to school this fall.


Some children walk or ride their bicycles to school, others get rides from parents or carpool with other families, and many students get to and from school each day on the school bus. No matter how your child travels, it is important that they know how to stay as safe as possible.

  • Walking – Always walk on a sidewalk and wait to cross the street at a crosswalk when available. Follow walk signals and crossing guards when applicable, and always look both ways and make eye contact with stopped drivers before crossing the street.
  • Bike riding – Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, and ride single-file on the right side of the street. Walk the bike when crossing the street, and follow the same rules for crossing as walkers do.
  • School buses – Teach your child how to properly enter and exit a bus in a safe manner, especially if your child must cross in front of the bus from the bus stop. Make sure they know to stand six feet from the curb when waiting at the bus stop, and ensure they know to behave properly while riding the bus.
  • Teen drivers – If your teen is driving to school, review all the rules about avoiding distractions, not having friends in the car, and following all road safety rules.

Other Safety Tips

Once your child is at school, they are still at risk of injuries. Ensure that your child is aware of the following and more:

  • Never leave the school premises with strange adults
  • Ensure a backpack is not too heavy and that they use both straps
  • Follow all rules of the playground and listen to playground supervisors
  • Learn all the rules of sports and games, and wear all provided safety gear
  • Report any suspicious conduct by other students or adults on the premises to a trusted teacher or administrator

Contact an Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer for Help

By taking the time to discuss back-to-school safety with your child, you might often be able to prevent serious accidents and injuries. If your child does sustain injuries on the way to or from school or while school is in session, you should discuss your legal options with an Orlando personal injury attorney at the Armour Law Group.   Contact us online or call 407-704-4006 for your free case evaluation.


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